Saturday, June 16, 2012

Fathers and babies

Isabel has a pretty awesome dad.  Franz does so much for our family, and is especially committed to his job of being a father.  Isabel just adores her "daddy", so Happy Father Day Franz!!!!

Also, Isabel has an announcement to make....

She is going to be a big sister!  When we ask her if she is excited to be a big sister, she says "No, I Isabel".  But she does love looking at the ultrasound pictures and talking about how the baby in mommy's tummy wants to come out.

Here is his or her little profile.  Boy vs girl will be a surprise again, so we will see come end of October!!

Loving life

I know I am jinxing myself when I say this, but the terrible twos haven't really been so terrible.  Maybe I have a selective memory, but Isabel really has just been a joy as a toddler.  The past few weeks she has been more verbal and just a happy little girl.  She seems to just love everything she does.  This happiness wears off on me and Franz, so it makes our lives pretty great. Here are some pics from the past week...

This is a great outfit she got from Grandma Connie.  With most outfits she wears she says "My grandma gave me this", which is usually true.

Franz celebrated his birthday - here Izzie is helping him with some presents.

I love that I got a picture with her Grandpa Mike and Grandma Connie - they are wonderful Grandparents and Isabel just adores them.  When we drove up to their house the other day she said "Its my favorite house!"  Again, a very true statement.

We got a "Pass of all Passes", along with every other Utah family, which allows us to go to the water park.  Izzie and I went together on my day off, and she thought the wave pool was the greatest thing ever.

She didn't want to go!

If I could guess what Isabel is thinking, I would guess she thinks today was the best day so far of her life.  She got to go to her dance class and a birthday party, both of which she loved:

 We went to our first mommy and me creative dance class with Virginia Tanner Studios.  Isabel has been looking forward to this for weeks, and was excited to wear her new leotard.

Here we are right before class started.  She may look apprehensive here, but she shined during class - following directions, wanting to be the first to gallop, run with streamers, and make a "bridge".  I will need to get some pics and video to capture how great the class is.  We are excited for 5 more weeks!

I only got one pic from the birthday party, and it isn't the best.  It was our new neighbor, James' birthday party (along with his 2 older sisters, for a total of 23 kids and only 3 adults, inculding me).  Again, Isabel has been asking about "James birthday?" ever since we got the invitation last week.    Anyway, it was a backyard water party, simple and perfect for all the kids. 

By the way, I DID jinx myself - as I was posting this Isabel was experiencing a first - taking her artistic talents to her door, table, and books.  Luckily with washable crayon, but I laughed about being brought back to reality.  Ok, so having a toddler isn't ALL so great, and no, my child is not perfect.  :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Fun in the sun (and water)

I love summer, and Izzie does already too.  Some highlights from our week in the nice weather.

On Tuesday I suggested the idea of the picnic at 10 am, which was a bad idea, b/c she was really anxious to do it right then.  Eventually we got going.

First we made tuna fish sandwiches

We walked to Sugarhouse park, just half a mile away, where we spread out a blanket for our picnic.

Isabel is finally starting to eat sandwiches the right way.

We sat right next to the playground, and went back and forth quite a few times.

Enjoying the tunnel.

Last night it was warm, and we went to the Gateway mall.  Since we had nothing else to do, we finally let Izzie go crazy in the fountain.

The curly hair following the soak fest.  :)

A few days ago I bought Izzie a little fish water toy for the swimming pool, and she has been asking to go to the swimming pool ever since.  So her dad got the basic back yard version, and she was so excited to find it when she woke up from her nap.

In the pool with her fish toy.

Here she is with the sprinkler toy her dad bought as well.  As you can see the diaper came off after it was soaked and falling off.

She looked so cold but did not want to stop playing in the water.

We finally got her out and in her pjs, then went on an evening walk.  She had to wear her sunglasses, here she is saying "Cool dude" (to which she hasn't figured out how to put her thumb up, so it is the index finger instead).

Franz and I just marveled at the sheer joy Isabel had playing in the water the last couple of days.  Ah, to be a kid again.  :)