Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween!  It is crazy how many things this week fit in with the Halloween theme...

We had a little craft night last week - made some hats and spiders.

Thursday Franz woke up to this bloody scene (warning - real blood)...
 Isabel had some fingerpainting fun, as you can tell.

We made some cookies over the weekend - Isabel mostly just ate sprinkles.

Our pumpkins:  Mine was uncarvable (I should have known by the lines from someone trying to carve it earlier then returning it to the store).  So I bedazzled it instead.  :)  Isabel's is Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc, and Franz made the firey one.

 Here we are on Halloween - trick or treating!  Isabel hated dressing up, but once she figured out the candy part she put up with it for a little bit.

Our cute Jessie (from Toy Story) cowgirl.

1 comment:

  1. Her wig is awesome. What was the source of all the blood - nosebleed? Glad she is ok!
