Franz turned 40! Hard to believe, as he looks so young, and how he is married to such a young wife. :) I am not close to 40, at least in my mind, by the way. Anyway, I tried to keep the party a surprise, but that lasted all of 1 week. I needed his help! So he was in charge of a lot of his party - such a good guy. IT turn out to be an AMAZING party. We had it catered by R + R BBQ, who brought in their cookhouse on the trailer, and we had a full bar, Franz trivia, a polarioid for a photo book, but most importantly, we had so many family and friends who came to celebrate. We especially appreciated all those who flew in/planned their summer vacations around the party. The night was much cooler than average, but many stayed late! The night finished with some performances from the kids, including a play and Isabel singing pop music. Here are some of the photos - thanks to our friend Kate for taking on the role of photographer!