I felt like I had a ton of pictures from Isabel's 4th birthday parties, but maybe not. So here is a brief review with more text than pictures. We started with a friend birthday party a week before her actual birthday. We are lucky to have many girls her age in our neighborhood, so, at Isabel's request, we had a princess party! So we did a morning "Princess and Pancakes" party. We delivered princess invitations, put up princess decorations, had a princess dress up station for those who didn't come in their costumes, and had a station to do glitter tattoos and nail painting. We also had an unrelated dolphin pinata. But the hit of the party was the visit from Rapunzel, who came and entertained the girls for an hour. They were enamored by her, which was fun to watch.
Then we had a family birthday party with the extended family, followed by Isabel's actual birthday. She got to go to school that day, and she had a great time getting special treatment - being the line leader, bringing treats (fruit snacks, at her request), and wearing her crown. Since mom and dad worked that day too, I let her choose where to go out to eat (not what I could cook for her), and she chose "the hamburger place" which we assumed was Hires, and she was happy with that. Isabel appreciated her presents, I think she liked getting clothes and shoes more than the toys, she is such a girl!! Happy Birthday Isabel! You are a wonderful little girl!