Saturday, May 26, 2012

Feeling better

I know it has been a while since I posted.   Part of the reason is that Isabel had the bad luck of getting sick this month.  She was diagnosed a couple weeks ago with both strep and bilateral ear infections, and it definitely took her a good week to recover.  She had been acting funny and cranky a week before she developed high fevers and a funny voice and was finally treated, so there were few photo ops in that time frame.

Here she is feeling sick...

But this week she finally seemed back to her old self, and had an appetite back.  This was the first time I actually saw her eat a hamburger the right way.  (not just picking it apart and eating the bread and mayo only).  She calls it a "hangaber", as I think all kids do.

We went to get haircut #2.  We went to a kids' haircut place,  and contrary to my pictures, she actually did just fine and enjoyed it for the most part.

Here she is with her "styled" hair.

And this is one of my first attempts at doing her hair besides a clip or two.  She didn't love having me put pigtails in at first, but was pretty proud of them the rest of the day.

Happy Birthday Andrew!  Izzie helped him open presents tonight.  I can't believe my little brother is officially an adult!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Random pics

Showing me her post-slurpee mouth.

Finally got a tricycle!  Can pedal great, just some problems with the steering part.

Smelling a flower.

The back of our house - I had to get a pic in of this gorgeous tree before it goes away!

Toe jam

Isabel has recently discovered something interesting in between her toes....
Her "grandma" Laura just gave her a pedicure, so maybe she found it then.

Anyway, Isabel pointed it out to me, and I said "That's your toe jam!" and now a few times a day she likes to methodically look between her toes and then tell me "toe jam!"

It makes me realize some of the other unfortunate phrases Isabel has picked up, such as "bird poop" or "He is dead" (in regards to our goldfish that keep keeling over) or "he's fat", followed by a chuckle (luckily this has only been said about cartoons or book characters, not to an acquaintance. )

I guess those aren't too bad, but I will still have to remember to be careful now that I have a little sponge in my midst!