We had a great trip to Capitol Reef, a National Park in southeastern Utah, this weekend. We went down with some residency pals, and Isabel experienced her first time camping. She slept in a sleeping bag in a tent and everything!
Throwing a frisbee at camp (ok not really, but it looks like she is!) :)
Isabel knew how to eat corn on the cob, even though I swear she had never tried it before - just pretending with the plastic version - but she did great!
On our first hike, without any backpack or stroller (Franz had yet to arrive with those things), but Izzie did pretty well walking and being held, although when she walked she did get distracted...
Isabel loved the "rockies" (this is a word I do not know how she came up with - she also said "bookies" and "sockies" - I guess I need to be careful about all of the "ies" I might say at the end of words)
We didn't quite reach the planned destination, but did reach an appropriate one - a toddler sized arch.
Happy to be home!