Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fun in the Sun!!

Now that summer is finally here in Utah, we were outside lots this weekend.

Playing in the backyard...

Swimming and eating strawberries at the pool...

Playing with dad's new driver, her favorite toy today!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Helmet therapy

SO....Isabel started helmet therapy today. For those who don't know, she has a pretty flat head after all those nights of sleeping peacefully on her back, and it was recommended that she wear a helmet. She needs to wear it 23 hours a day, probably for 3 months. She did great today - she seemed a little concerned, but the helmet went on at the end of the visit and she acted like nothing happened. I got to do a day of errands with a lot of comments from strangers, but she is still just as cute. The whole situation was a little overwhelming for me at first - but after seeing her take it in stride today and after putting her to bed in the helmet without any problems, I am feeling better. Anyway, we will keep you updated on our little helmet head. :)

Visit from Meg!

Meg-dogg was passing through on a cross country trip and we had a great dinner at Red Iguana.