Saturday, March 31, 2012

End of March...

Isabel with her "cousins" (actually my cousins - not sure what that relationship would be).  When she arrived to see them she said "Hi children!"

Sumo wrestler

Izzie loves to TRY and sleep in mom and dad's bed - she even tucked her baby in with her the other day.

And a few non-Izzie pics if you want to stop now...

Franz and I took his cousin, Rafa skiing at Brighton today.

A beautiful sunny (and a little windy) day - we barely lasted 4 hours, getting old.  :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

New cousin!

We took a long weekend to see Isabel's new (and first official) cousin, Pricilla!  Of course, I did a terrible job taking pictures, but got a few on the iphone....

Isabel had fun seeing her second cousin Cameron.


My only picture with Grandma Esther, or "Grammy."  Isabel loved spending time with her and was sufficiently spoiled!

Izzie loves her new Hello Kitty purse from Ashley.

Isabel was not excited about Pricilla, and even had some jealousy when mom was paying attention to a new baby - so we will see what happens when a new sibling comes someday.

Still not interested.

Ummm, no, not going to pose with her.

I enjoyed holding her - such a calm and content newborn.

Sassy girl.

Got home today, traveling can be rough! Isabel did great!