Friday, February 17, 2012

Painting and more

Working on Valentine's cards with paint for the first time.

Then another kind of paint - Izzie requested blue nail polish.

Playing with cars and trains

Cool girl.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Out and about

I can't believe I haven't posted for the past MONTH!!! It has been a little crazy lately, and I just finished 2 weeks in a row of hospital call, so maybe I can catch up here....

We have enjoyed being outside in this very mild winter.

Sugarhouse Park


Winter brings the tigers out!

 It was so fun to have residency friends Aaron/Ann and Jesse/Lindy call us when they were in town this past weekend:
Lark and Izzie are just a few weeks apart in age - and some people asked if they are twins!

There are a lot of pictures of Izzie with (not so healthy) food this past month.

Izzie's (and mom's) first trip to Chuck E Cheese!

Making some funny faces...

Isabel helping us scrape wallpaper in our current living room...

Because we bought a new house!!!  We will be there in a few weeks, we are sad to leave our current neighborhood, but excited for the new place!!